Eine Gruppe Biker auf dem Flowtrail

Technique Course

Bike Technique Course

To have your bike under control and at the same time enjoying a unique alpine world!

From beginner to advanced – every biker can benefit here in Engelberg. Be it the correct braking technique for all kinds of steep slopes or relocating the back wheel to being able to ride also the most narrow curves. Everybody gets their money’s worth! The groups will be divided according to different levels, whereby we mainly differentiate between BASIC and ADVANCED. Of course your personal suggestions and questions will not go short.

On different single trails and training grounds in Engelberg the favoured bike technique will be trained. Thereby you are constantly situated in the breathtaking scenery of Engelbergs alpine world. Possible ascents can be overcome by mountain railways.

Bike technique BASICBike technique ADVANCEDFlowtrail Course

Bike technique BASIC

Content: Basic position on the bike; balance; agility; gear and brake technique; overrunning small obstacles; basic knowledge to repair your mountain bike; easy downhill single trails

Requirement: | Technique: easy | Stamina: little
Time frame:  09:30 – 12:30

Price: CHF 85 per person

Bike technique ADVANCED

Content: overrunning bigger obstacles; to jump over obstacles; relocating the back wheel; riding easier single trails uphill; more difficult downhill single trails; extended knowledge regarding bike repais

Requirement: | Technique: medium/difficult| Stamina: medium
Time frame:  09:30 – 12:30

Price: CHF 85 per person

Flowtrail Course

Our course is fully dedicated to the Jochpass Flowtrail, we focus on descents and for the ascents we use the comfortable chairlift. We teach you in a small group the best technique for every section of the trail.

Content: Basic position on the bike; balance; agility; technique of turns (banked turns); overrunning small obstacles; basic knowledge to repair your mountain bike

Requirement: | Technique: easy-medium| Stamina: little-medium (only downhill!)
Time frame:  09:30 – 12:30

Meetingpoint: Jochpass

Price: CHF 85 per person

At the minimum 3 participants; equipment and lift tickets are not included
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Next Dates:

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Biketechnikkurs BASIC + Reparatur Workshop

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9:30 - 12:30
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